Saturday, April 16, 2011

Endless combing.

<begin transmission>

If you couldn't tell.. We figured out how to make animated GIFs. Yeah. Welcome to 1996. The future!

Better comb that hair, son.

</end transmission>

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Secret Mission on Etsy!

<begin transmission>

Alright agents.. We've got an Etsy store up now for you to check out our handmade goods.

Right now we only have one item up for grabs, but will be adding more soon.

Here's a hand-embroidered bandana that Derek did that we're selling right now!

Here's our Etsy link! Check it out!

</end transmission>

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


<begin transmission>

We at Secret Mission have years of experience creating gig flyers and posters.

Let us design one for your event. Easy and affordable! The American Way!

Here's an example for you to grok!

You may contact us through the usual channels.

On Facebook:


</end transmission>

Saturday, April 2, 2011

In hiding...

<begin transmission>

Hello to our followers!

You may have noticed that we have not signaled you in quite some time, since October of last year, really. We have been working hard on our upcoming marriage, so Secret Mission has been in hibernation for a while.

We've done a few things here and there over the past few months. Here's a look at a tote bag we did for our wedding. It's the first item totally conceptualized and printed under the SECRET MISSION banner!

Hand-printed in one of our many SECRET laboratories!

Here's a film that we captured of the process:

More to come in the weeks ahead! We promise!


</end transmission>